This is the story of what happens when a couple, a New Zealander and an American, decide to open a wine bar and wine shop on Duval Street in Key West. This is true account of the highs and lows of trying to start up a bar. Be ready over the weeks and months to experience the joy and drama.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


We're getting to part I've been most looking for..the wine tastings. Deciding on what to serve by the glass or bottle and what avenue to take as far as pricing and regions. One thing we both have decided on is that we want to be off mainstream, I don't want someone to enjoy a nice glass of wine at our bar to find it later in the supermarket. We have also decided that it's best to do the tastings later on in the day because there is no chance of getting anything done after...


  1. Val,
    What about some wines from your homeland? I know where to get an interesting baco noir, and would be more than happy to ferry it down there for you!
    :0) Liz

  2. I'm getting so excited I can hardly wait!!!

  3. We can't wait to get back to Key West to visit the bar!
