This is the story of what happens when a couple, a New Zealander and an American, decide to open a wine bar and wine shop on Duval Street in Key West. This is true account of the highs and lows of trying to start up a bar. Be ready over the weeks and months to experience the joy and drama.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


We've been getting a lot done recently. It's been real helpful having Clayton's sister Jennee and brother in law David here. Silly them thinking they were coming on holiday to relax and enjoy themselves. We have David helping out with the man stuff and Jennee helping collaborate on the finer touches. It's nice to have another sensible female's opinion around as Clayton sometimes has to be held back to not go overboard on being "creative".

Jennee and I just picked out the fabric for the banquette cushions and of course found out that Clayton told the seamstress the wrong fabric. Men...

Thursday, August 26, 2010


We just got back from South Beach in Miami and picked up Clayton's sister Jennee and brother in law David from New Zealand. We had a wonderful time drinking margaritas and catching up. Found some great pieces for our bar stopping at antique and second hand shops. I love that idea of making the unique with random pieces. It's very important that our place not look too new and generic looking. Want it to look like it was built over time and not like anything else.

Monday, August 23, 2010


We did it!! We can officially have a bar. It's been a good weekend for us. I have been celebrating with nice champagne and wine. I could justify it because of waiting 5 months to get the planning department rubbish over with and it was my birthday. But I don't feel that I have to justify myself.

As much as I have enjoyed having the weight lifted off my shoulders it time to get serious again. The rush is on to get open and the list of things to be done is piling up.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


We're starting on the bar. There's a lot involved with dimensions and heights. Again I notice how two bartenders can have a strong opinions about where everything should be behind the bar and what type of beer and wine coolers we should have.

They're doing a good job, really starting to look like a real bar. I have noticed that when I walk into the shop I end up standing behind the bar. Once a bartender always a bartender...

Sunday, August 15, 2010


This is a big week for us. We're getting some major construction done and finally the planning board meeting is this thursday. I know that everyone is sick of us moaning about the planning department.

The more I see the bar being constructed, the more of reality it is becoming for me. This really could happen....

Saturday, August 7, 2010


We've finally made the agenda for the planning board meeting. After months of waiting, the endless run around, and sleepless nights we're there. In 12 days 7 members of the board will sit down and decide whether we can have a bar. That's all we've wanted, a chance to be heard...

Monday, August 2, 2010


We're getting down to business, it feels good to have things happening. We've got the week lined up with meetings with lawyers and architects. Construction is right on schedule. Still haven't picked the last paint colors, but we'll get there.

Clayton's friend is coming up from Columbia to help out. Makes me feel better because he tends to hurt himself when he does projects himself..