This is the story of what happens when a couple, a New Zealander and an American, decide to open a wine bar and wine shop on Duval Street in Key West. This is true account of the highs and lows of trying to start up a bar. Be ready over the weeks and months to experience the joy and drama.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


We've done it now..we've gotten the planning department mad at us. That was the one thing we didn't want to do. Some news got around about our board meeting being pushed back, some phone calls were made, and now the department is upset with.

I'm not sure what this means for us but I'm sure it's not good. I've never been more terrified of the power from one group of people before. And we've dealt with INS before. The one department that could the one decision between our dream and us, and we've gone and ticked them off..

Monday, May 10, 2010


They're messing with us...We have everything in. Our building permits are done, Harc has approved our construction and exterior colors, Ada finally got approved and 22 letters of support. The only next thing was to go to the planning board meeting in less than 2 weeks and await the big decision.

They couldn't make it too easy on us, they decided not to schedule us for the upcoming meeting. it's better for them to push us back to the next meeting in June. That's 6 more weeks of this torment! I just want a decision and a good night's sleep...

Thursday, May 6, 2010

We've been on the rollarcoaster ride of emotions for the past 2 weeks over the conditional use application. One day everything is going good, things are looking real good for us. The next day everything is hopeless, no possible way this bar will open. We've gone though all the emotions: denial, anger, depression. I've had that relationship before. I didn't like it then. I don't like it now. I want to know at the end of the day what is going to happen in 2 weeks. I've noticed we don't want to make mention anything past the decision time. It's suddenly our apocalypse. We don't know where we'll be in 2 weeks. We could be rushing around picking out wine coolers and bar stools or we could be staring despondently at a blank shop. We could be left behind.

We've had some mixed reactions from the neighbors. Over all we've had a lot of positive and encouraging support. One man has already written us off as a rowdy and disruptive bar that will bring down the neighborhood. He's never met us or is willing to sit down with us to discuss his concerns. All we can do is try. Today we are turning in 21 support letters to the planning board. 21 neighbors are willing to take a chance on us in their neighborhood. I'll take that any day over one disgruntled one.